The Stooges' equipment stolen

Early this morning, thieves made off with a rented tour truck containing all of The Stooges' equipment, everything from amps to guitars to all of Iggy Pop's sensible dress shirts. While tour manager Eric Fischer estimated the value of all that was lost to be in the tens of thousands, he noted that some items were priceless, including a vintage Gibson bass that Mike Watt's been wrangling since his Minutemen days. ("That bass would go in the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame someday if we could find it," Fischer said.) The Stooges were in Montreal playing their first Canadian gig in nearly 30 years, and are still expected to play their Toronto gig tomorrow using rented gear. In the meantime, Fischer is asking anyone with information to email him at [email protected]. A full list of everything missing is here; the truck had a Michigan license plate numbered AC46493.

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