The Thin Line Between Militant Reformed Homosexual

The Thin Line Between Militant Reformed Homosexual

Usually, venomous, militantly Christian, "reformed homosexual" band leaders and subtle, hilarious comedy exist on two separate, non-converging lines. The following video, however, proves that there can be a intersection:

On The Stranger's blog, Dan Savage wondered if this video is serious. Despite the song's assertion that "there is no back door," I was leaning towards yes–until I went to and, the websites of the singer/youth pastor/mustachioed former homosexual in the video, and read more about his mission.

A few highlights:

I've been researching for many years now and feel I've come up with a very strong program to help cure people of Homosexuality. Its called the C.H.O.P.S program and We're running full steam ahead with it. C.H.O.P.S stands for:

* C: Changing

* H: Homosexuals

* O: (into) Ordinary

* P: People

That parenthetical alone holds more comedic weight than all of the New Adventures Of Old Christine. I'm exaggerating, but not by much. Then there's this:

Oscar Wilde, my hero, was a reformed homosexual. He went to prison for his sins. Once he was alone with his thouhgts, in jail, he saw the errors of his ways and repented. He died as a Christian. While I'm not advocating jailing all Homosexuals, I do think it would benefit them greatly. It would be for their own good. When a person is forced to think they will generally be able to see their problems and solve them by themselves.

Ok…And how do these ideas come together exactly? Easy:

I hope you take the time to read the quote by our good friend and compatriot, Oscar Wilde. In that one quote Oscar brings to life the isolation and despair of what he refers to as "us", the homosexuals. It is a long, lonely, desolate road, homosexuality. I've been there, friends. I know how horrible and rough that road can be. I have been called a "Faggot". You are not alone and guess what, God Loves You even if he hates your Homosexuality. You just can't stay that way. Let me help you love yourself. Follow me and together we'll C.H.O.P.S away the Gay.

Changing Homosexuals (Into) Ordinary People? Ok. Maybe. There are certainly stupider acronyms. Looking to Oscar Wilde as a giant beacon of reformed gay hope? Again, maybe. Donny could just be grossly under-researched.

But "we'll C.H.O.P.S. away the Gay"? Uh, no way. After skirting it faithfully across two websites and one video, Donny just stepped on the parody line.

At least, I hope so.

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