The trailer for Hanna: Thank heaven for little girls trained to kill you

The trailer for Hanna: Thank heaven for little girls trained to kill you

Not that you needed further reminders that, as Magnolia taught us, it’s dangerous to confuse children with angels—particularly around this time of year—here’s the trailer for Joe Wright’s Hanna, the latest in a line of recent films about little girls that will fucking kill you. Somehow Chloe Moretz was allowed to sit this one out, as Hanna instead reunites Wright with his Atonement ingénue Saoirse Ronan for a film that breaks away from Wright’s usual British parlor dramas into genuine high-octane action, albeit action handled with Wright’s usual visual polish.

Ronan plays a girl raised by her father to be a ruthless assassin (shades of Kick-Ass, except the Hanna script was completed nearly six years ago) and whose life is turned upside down after she becomes the target of a CIA agent (played by Cate Blanchett with a molasses-drippin’ Southern accent). It seems pretty obvious that Blanchett and Ronan have some sort of secret, possibly biological history, but knowing that already probably won’t spoil the fun, as this film seems to finally make good on Ronan’s particular Village Of The Damned eeriness while also nodding to past girls-gone-badass films like The Professional. And hey, it's Olivia Williams! Why can’t you just let girls live their lives, Olivia Williams?

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