The trailer for The Human Centipede 2: Don't worry, Tom Six will do all the talking for you

It seems like just the other day we were considering the prospect of Tom Six’s supersized sequel to The Human Centipede and musing on its deeply thematic ties to World War II while trying not to barf all over our nice clean pants. But time flies when you’re making a movie that, historical subtext aside, mostly requires finding 12 people willing to have their lips sewn to another person’s asshole, and then just doing that. Thus, the film is already in the can (and recently picked up by IFC for distribution) and we already have a trailer.

Here, a blood-spattered, cowboy hat-rocking Tom Six swaggers through a parking garage, once again defending his original film as “100-percent medically accurate” while bragging about the “death threats I’ve received on Facebook.” He even drops a My Little Pony reference. What? Oh, never mind: Six has already moved on to part two, which he promises really will be “the sickest movie of all-time” and feature “the world’s baddest asses,” which will then have the world’s baddest lips sewn to them. Not that you see any of that stuff, of course. In fact, this is a thoroughly safe-for-work preview from the “tell, not show” school of teasing. Which, in this case, is totally fine.

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