The TV Roundtable is spending the month celebrating Thanksgiving and needs your nominations of Turkey Day episodes 

Yes, everyone, it’s November, and you know what that means: eating all your Halloween candy and breathlessly following all the Black Friday daily countdown sales so you can have your Christmas shopping all wrapped up by tomorrow. But we here at TV Club know that the greatest of all holidays is just around the corner: American Thanksgiving. (The Canadians will try to tell you they have a Thanksgiving too. They are lying.) Like all major holidays, we’ve managed to turn this one into a celebration of unchecked consumption, and it’s really fucking awesome.

To celebrate, the TV Roundtable will be taking a look at some of our favorite Thanksgiving episodes all month long. Here’s the schedule:

  • Later today, look for Sonia Saraiya and her team to take a look at the Hey Arnold episode, “Arnold’s Thanksgiving.”
  • Next week, team Todd VanDerWerff heads back to the ‘70s to get drunk with Bob Hartley and the gang in The Bob Newhart Show’s “Over The River And Through The Woods.”
  • The week after that, it’s time for Erik Adams’ crew to step up to the plate by going back to the Roundtable’s roots with the Cheers episode “Thanksgiving Orphans.”

And that’s where you come into play, because on November 27, the day before Thanksgiving, Sonia’s squad will be taking a look at the readers’ choice Thanksgiving episode. Make your nominations in comments, keeping the following in mind: We’ll only accept nominations for things that haven’t been covered in TV Club in the last three years (a change from our old policy), and we’ll be more likely to nominate things from shows the Roundtable hasn’t recently covered. (For instance, we’d be unlikely to pick your nomination of Buffy’s “Pangs,” because we just talked about “Hush.”) Other than that, go nuts. We’ll let you know the nominees on Monday, so you can begin voting.

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