The White Walkers and Us’ Tethered aren’t so different, says Lupita Nyong’o

The White Walkers and Us’ Tethered aren’t so different, says Lupita Nyong’o

[Spoilers for Game Of Thrones, Us.]

So far, 2019 has been a big year for largely silent, seemingly unstoppable armies hellbent on bringing an end to humanity. First, audiences were treated to the creepy silhouettes of the red-jumpsuit-adorned Tethered from Jordan Peele’s Us. Then, with the premiere of Game Of Thrones season eight, the White Walkers were finally given their time to shine. In preparation for last night’s epic showdown at Winterfell, Us star Lupita Nyong’o took to Twitter to numerate the similarities between these two hordes of creeps and showed that, despite what you might initially think, they’re pretty similar.

Sure, they may not be great conversationalists, but, clearly, these two genocidal armies have the potential to be fast friends. Unfortunately, Nyong’o also pointed out some pretty stark differences that could spell trouble for this burgeoning relationship. Namely, their respective relationship to fire and whether or not they’re good with pets.

Of course, anyone who watched last night’s episode of Game Of Thrones knows that a few new differences have cropped up between the White Walkers and the Tethered. This new friendship might not be as successful as we previously thought…

For one thing, the White Walkers’ attempted takeover ended with all of them turning to ice dust while the Tethered seemed to successfully complete a redux of Hands Across America. Nyong’o was obviously unaware of the outcome of the Battle of Winterfell at the time of her thread, as evidenced by her heartbreaking championing of one Lyanna Mormont.

Still, it’s plain to see that the Tethered and the White Walkers are cut from the same creepy cloth and we now wait patiently for your Night King/Red fanfic.

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