The whole family gets super-dysfunctional in the new trailer for Incredibles 2

Back during the Winter Olympics, Disney unveiled a short trailer touting the upcoming animated superhero sequel The Incredibles 2. Along with laying out a Mr. Mom-esque plot that finds Craig T. Nelson’s Mister Incredible playing stay-at-home dad to the kids (including an increasingly volatile Jack-Jack), it also revealed that Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) gets recruited back onto the superhero career path. Today, we get a closer look at what exactly that entails, with a longer and more detailed look at the Pixar film.

By the end of the spot, we’ve gotten our first close-up look at new villain Scream Slayer (points for alliteration), who may or may not be working with ambiguously sinister rich guy Winston Deaver (Bob Odenkirk), seemingly out to rehabilitate the public image of superheroes. But the whole family is clearly affected by what Violet terms the “elephant in the room,” a.k.a. Mom’s new job. From Dash wanting to do his part to Violet having some resentment toward the family business (that’s a fairly symbolic use of a garbage disposal), everyone is dealing with the new state of affairs in different ways. All in all, this is a superior trailer in nearly every way to the first one: Funnier, more thrilling, and with Frozone’s wife Honey making her very vocal presence felt at the end, it’s an excellent preview for the movie. June 15 will see whether the very well-made hype is lived up to by the film’s release.

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