The world is a beautiful place in this tribute to Terrence Malick’s films

Terrence Malick’s films are always a feast for the senses, with the filmmaker displaying an astounding talent for capturing the world at its most beautiful (and humanity at its ugliest). Since his breakthrough with Badlands, Malick has been delivering films of varying quality but always with an incredible aesthetic that showcases his fascination with the world. Continuing on through Days Of Heaven, The Thin Red Line, all the way up to the most recent Knight Of Cups, the writer-director may not always have the firmest grasp on his scripts, but certainly has a tight hold on what he wants to see on the screen.

That love of capturing nature (and people in nature) in all its furious splendor has led to this tribute video to the master from Movies In 5 Minutes. Using shots from all of Malick’s films, the video examines his work through the lens of the four major elements of the natural world: water, fire, air, and earth. It’s a breathtaking assortment of scenes and shots that prove both how preoccupied Malick is with the physical world and how deft he is at capturing it on film.

Terrence Malick Tribute – The Four Elements from Movies in 5 Minutes on Vimeo.

With shots from the movies mentioned above as well as The Tree Of Life, To The Wonder, and The New World (for an acclaimed filmmaker working since 1973, his filmography is very short), Movies In 5 Minutes is able to highlight Malick’s ease and interest in showcasing the elements as well as how people interact with them. It’s a beautiful but brief (under three minutes) look at a master filmmaker’s craft and subject serving as a nice entry point for those not familiar with his work.

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