The Y2K Family Survival Guide

The Y2K Family Survival Guide

Since entering the public consciousness a few years ago, the Y2K problem has become both a buzzword and a bugaboo, an instant punchline and a looming problem of unspecified proportions. No one knows exactly what will happen when the two nines roll over to make two zeroes, and a lot of people are spooked by the possibilities. Who better, then, to guide you through the issue than Leonard Nimoy, host of this "survival guide"? After all, he not only explored the stars with William Shatner and the depths of the human heart with his film Funny About Love, but spent much of the '70s in search of secrets from Bigfoot to the Loch Ness Monster. Here, Nimoy illustrates the potentially catastrophic effects of Y2K by dramatically blowing out a match, which is as about as in-depth as this short video gets. Punctuated with ominous quotes from Alan Greenspan, Lao Tzu, and others, The Y2K Family Survival Guide falls short of the hilarious Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Tomorrow in terms of apocalyptic alarmism, but not by much. Nimoy compares the current state of things to the last days of Atlantis and states that "perhaps only chaos theory could calculate the multiple ramifications of what may occur." Family Survival Guide places the emphasis on the direst possible outcome of the problem, devoting most of its second half to a frightening British man representing a group called the "Hand Of Man"; he advises such survivalist tactics as keeping a month's supply of water and food on hand, and helpfully suggests that you "not use plastic bags for your toilet." Maybe he's right about Y2K, but this video doesn't provide enough information to demonstrate why. It does, however, suggest that hygiene will be a problem after civilization collapses, instructing viewers to use baby wipes on a daily basis to clean underarms and private areas. So, enterprising capitalists, remember that you read it here first: A stockpile of baby wipes, not Yahoo stock, may be your ticket to ride in the coming millennium.

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