The year in swag 2015: A video showcase, part 2

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All year, well-meaning PR types send us wacky and elaborate promotional items, with dreams of free publicity dancing in their heads. Alas, those dreams are always dashed—until this magical moment at year’s end when we clean all the swag off our shelves to give the best free crap its rightful moment of glory. Yes, once again, editor-in-chief Josh Modell and senior editor John Teti (that’s me) have dug through our pile of pop-culture bric-a-brac to assess it for quality, relevance, and poise. Especially poise. If your thirst for swag isn’t slaked by the video above, not to worry. We posted the first of these 2015 swag videos yesterday, and it’s not too late to watch. We also wrote an article about swag: Here are clickable words that will take you to it.

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