There’s something a little off about this trailer for Jurassic World
In Jurassic Park, mankind’s hubris leads to the creation of a Mesozoic wildlife sanctuary where things go horribly awry. As dinosaur predators escape their confinements, we learn that life will not be contained. Life breaks free; it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously. (At least that’s what Jeff Goldblum said).
If the official Jurassic World trailer is any indication, we have learned little in the quarter century since Sam Neill was first menaced by velociraptors. By doubling down on a bigger, better theme park, its creators are basically daring something to go wrong, which obviously it must. In many ways, Jurassic World the attraction is a metaphor for Jurassic World the sequel, as the logic of unnecessary redundancy is pitted against the spectacle of bigger budgets and better effects.
Maybe that’s what so delightfully absurd about this parody trailer. When a herd of Goldblum-headed Gallimimus appears, the nonsense is chaotic, as if the Cinco Corporation had assumed a controlling interest in the park. But by the time Chris Pratt is flanked by raptors astride their own dirt bikes, it feels suspiciously like there might be a message about excess buried in all this strangeness.