There’s something that looks a whole lot like the TARDIS in that newly discovered Van Gogh painting 

In case you missed the big news in the art world, a painting in a Norwegian industrialist’s attic was recently verified as a work of Vincent Van Gogh, the first discovery of a new full-sized painting by the Dutch master since 1928. Not everyone is excited about the verified new painting—The Guardian condescendingly expressed horror that Van Gogh painted “Sunflowers” during the same summer. But detail-oriented Doctor Who fans may notice a vaguely familiar figure in the upper-left corner of the painting. Though the piece is titled “Sunset At Montmajour” and the structure in the background is likely Mountmajour Abbey, it still bears a striking resemblance to the TARDIS—a ridiculous coincidence, since the Doctor visited Van Gogh back in a 2010 episode to defeat an alien creature only the painter could see. Much like Christopher Moore’s fantastical novel Sacre Bleu, this opens the door for some cool fictional stories involving the impressionist painter.  [h/t io9]

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