There were many Babadooks at the Los Angeles gay pride parade

It may have all begun with an error in Netflix’s algorithm, but the Babadook is now entrenched in gay iconography. The once-fearsome storybook monster now haunts every corner of the Twittersphere, where he lends his huge, gaping grin to all manner of memes.

As in the (excellent) movie that birthed the Babadook, he has leapt from the 2-D realm into our corporeal one. Kyle Buchanan, a senior editor at Vulture, took it upon himself to chronicle the many Babadooks he saw adorning signs and roaming the streets at the Los Angeles gay pride parade this past weekend.

There were a lot.

This is, to say the least, an unexpected development in the history of the Babadook, but an oddly inspirational one.

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