There will be a mobile Avatar game for you to quickly forget all about

Doing his part to fight entropy, the director of Avatar has continually upped the ante on its sequels, slowly promising more and more content set on the alien world of Pandora. Most recently, this has meant Ladies Love Cool James Cameron announcing he was expanding the number of sequels from three to four, meaning you’ll have Avatar movies coming at you through 2023, all in a bid to briefly enrapture your imagination, before you then resume living your life just as you had previously. And now, there will be even more ways to experience the fleeting entertainment value of Cameron’s universe, as The Associated Press reports there will soon be a mobile game based on the world of Avatar, set for release prior to the upcoming sequels.

Game studio Kabam, responsible for the mildly diverting enjoyment to be found in the mobile game adaptations of the Fast And Furious franchise, Star Wars, and the Marvel universe, will be behind this latest effort in visually stunning and instantly forgettable pop culture. The first iteration of the game will come out in 2018, prior to the first film sequel, but the company plans to release updates to the multiplayer game as the subsequent films are unleashed upon an awestruck, and then quickly indifferent, public. “For us, to be able to come out ahead of the movie and start to introduce a whole new set of characters and experiences when the movie releases and then again and again and again as the new films roll out, it’ll allow us to create a really engaging game,” said Kabam COO Kent Wakeford, who neglected to add that this strategy will also allow users to be temporarily reminded they once downloaded a game based on that movie they vaguely recall.

The game’s plot is distinct from the films, and “will allow players to align together and make decisions that will affect the narrative.” Given there’s still a couple years of development prior to any of us playing this game, we’ll have plenty of time to decide if we like wandering around an actual physical environment based on Pandora before we commit to the much less exciting phone-sized experience. Then again, it’s hard to remember any of these Avatar-related tie-ins are happening, so maybe an easily used and discarded mobile game is the best way to go.

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