There's very little climbing in this trailer for Netflix's adaptation of Dragon's Dogma

There's very little climbing in this trailer for Netflix's adaptation of Dragon's Dogma
Dragon’s Dogma Screenshot: YouTube

Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma video game was sort of a Dark Souls-y fantasy action-RPG, with the big hooks being that you could make your own character, that you could make support characters called Pawns that other players could summon in their own games, and that you could climb on big monsters Shadow Of The Colossus-style. There was a plot, something about the dogma of a dragon (not to be confused with the creed of an assassin), and there were characters beyond you and whatever goofy Pawns you chose, but all that really mattered was making weird characters and climbing on stuff.

And yet… none of those things are really present in this trailer for Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma cartoon. Obviously Netflix can’t let everyone make their own character for the TV show, because at that point you’re basically just playing the video game, but there are worryingly few scenes of this guy (whose name is apparently “Ethan”) climbing on stuff. So you’re not making your own character and the character isn’t climbing on stuff, so what is this? A fantasy story about a guy and his magical friend fighting a dragon? That sounds okay, but is it really Dragon’s Dogma? The adaptation premieres on September 17, so we’ll have a better idea by then—and who knows, maybe they’re saving a big “climbing on the monster” scene for the very end like when Netflix’s Castlevania played “Bloody Tears” during the attack on Dracula’s castle.

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