These are some damn fine Twin Peaks action figures

We’re now four months away from the release of Showtime’s Twin Peaks revival, and the hype train is already starting to build up steam on its way to the sleepy, supernaturally menaced northwestern town. Today, Pitchfork reports that a number of new dolls and action figures based on David Lynch and Mark Frost’s ’80s TV masterpiece are making their way to stores in advance of the show’s release.

The new pieces include the standard array of Funko’s Pop! figurines, allowing fans to display the world’s most adorably incestuous psychodrama between Leland Palmer, Killer BOB, and plastic-wrapped homecoming queen Laura Palmer. (Also, the Cooper figurine has a little coffee cup, which might be the cutest thing we’ve ever seen.) The company is also offering up more traditional action figures, too, allowing you to slam Coop’s head into your tiny plastic mirror of choice with all the articulation points such series-ending mayhem might require. The figures will be available later this year; Twin Peaks arrives on Showtime on May 21.

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