These early fan casting suggestions for Game Of Thrones are absolutely terrible

As we all know, nothing is ever truly gone from the Internet. Case in point, here’s an amazingly ‘90s assortment of casting choices for a would-be Game Of Thrones movie, courtesy of a Song Of Ice And Fire superfan website. Judging from the names picked out and the Tripod hosting, the site looks to be a relic from somewhere around 1999. Some proposals are borderline inspired—Kevin Spacey as Littlefinger, for instance, or Liam Neeson as Ned Stark—but others are…less so. Scroll through the full list to envision Kevin Costner as Davos Seaworth or Cuba Gooding Jr. as Khal Drogo (“Winter is coming. To a theater near you. Two thumbs way up for Snow Dogs!”). There’s also an undercurrent suggesting a tween girl’s Trapper Keeper magically spilled its contents onto the page, as with the pick of Jonathan Taylor Thomas for Robb Stark.

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