These Sailor Moon Golden Girls drawings thank you for fighting evil by moonlight
In the world of fandom Venn diagrams, it’s hard to imagine there’s a ton of overlap between the Sailor Moon circle and the Golden Girls circle, but it seems that there’s enough that at least one person has made a really great tribute to both.
DeviantArt-ist Abraham Perez turned the Golden Girls into the Sailor Scouts, and it’s truly a glorious thing to behold. Apparently, the whole thing started when he and his brother had a Twitter exchange and decided that someone needed to make the Golden Girls into anime.
The real highlight is having Dorothy’s ex-husband, Stan, stand in for Tuxedo Mask, which works really well, because both characters are kind of useless and mostly get in the way.
Also, Sailor Nylund’s sock puppet is Sailor Moon. Nice detail, Abraham.