Things I Learned From Reading "Brand Loyalty" By Mary-Kate Olsen

Things I Learned From Reading "

Brand Loyalty" By Mary-Kate Olsen in The New York Times' T-Style Magazine:

1. Mary-Kate Olsen has a large, red quilted Chanel bag that she borrowed from her sister Ashley.

I have a large, red quilted Chanel bag that I borrowed from my sister Ashley.

Evidently, that fact alone is enough to write an article about.

2. Short sentences are totally the new black. Or at least the best way to get into the New York Times.

I have a large, red quilted Chanel bag that I borrowed from my sister Ashley. I wore it to an event and never gave it back. Luckily, she's moved on to another bag, so I'm safe for now. I'm not quite sure how many bags I have, but let's just say I have a few. When I find a bag I like, I tend to wear it to death until I become obsessed with another one. This probably happens three to five times a year. But I always come back to the Chanel.

3. Specifics are overrated. Especially when describing something.

The size isn't overwhelming, and it has enough subtle detail to keep it interesting.

I also have the smaller version in blue and in white, but the red is definitely my favorite.

Such evocative writing! Olsen is truly painting a picture with words in these last two sentences. Can't you clearly visualize the red Chanel bag with it's just shy of overwhelming size, and its "enough subtle details" that are "interesting"? And the "smaller versions," can't you see their blueness and whiteness?

4. Shockingly, Mary-Kate Olsen doesn't have a stylist

I don't have a stylist – I'd rather just do my own thing and put together my own outfits. The chain-handle bag is the perfect accent to almost any combination I come up with.

Including the "urban hobo" combination, or the freakish platform shoes and leggings combination.

5. Mary-Kate looks at everything with a designer's eye, as opposed to a former-FullHouse-star's eye, or a straight-to-video-empire-co-owner's eye, or an actress-last-seen-in-New-York-Minute's eye.

6. Something is a true classic if, and only if, Mary-Kate Olsen looks at it with her designer's eye and refuses to alter it:

I look at everything with a designer's eye, but I wouldn't change a thing about this bag. I think that's why it's a true classic.

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