This 1992 MTV News segment is the Heavy Metal Parking Lot of grunge

If you’ve never seen Jeff Krulik’s seminal and frequently bootlegged Heavy Metal Parking Lot, stop what you’re doing and go watch it right now. Then go buy the DVD, because Judas Priest songs don’t license themselves. If you have seen it, you can skip straight to watching this recently unearthed, unaired MTV News footage filmed outside Nirvana’s September 11, 1992 concert at the Seattle Center Coliseum.

The show was a homecoming for Nirvana, who hadn’t played in Seattle in the year since Nevermind exploded in September of 1991. The city’s music scene was divided over the band’s success, and opinion in this flannel-and-hacky-sack saturated crowd is split as well (save for everyone’s mutual hatred of “preppies”). Even Kurt Cobain’s real-life mom Wendy, who attended the show surrounded by a large crowd of extended Cobain family members, was ambivalent about Nirvana’s success, saying in a eerily prophetic statement: “I’m glad that he made enough of a success to make a living, but some of it is too much for him, I think.”

Get More: Nirvana, Music News

[h/t Washed Up Emo]

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