This 3-year old's electro-pop album is an early contender for AOTY

This 3-year old's electro-pop album is an early contender for AOTY
Photo: Klaus Vedfelt

You may not know QuQu yet, but it won’t be long before the artist’s self-titled debut tops the charts, wins awards, and revolutionizes the music business. Over the course of eight tracks and roughly eight minutes, QuQu establishes itself as a work of art unparalleled in the history of music made by kids who can barely form sentences.

QuQu, a collaborative project from a 3-year old named Juni and her dad (credited as “Dada”), is hilarious and eclectic—as you might expect from an album written by a 3-year old. Opener “My Way” channels P-Funk in an instrumental that gives Juni room to squeak about being a “scuba diver” or “anything.” “Clever/Cute,” which hypnotically repeats “she’s clever, she’s cute,” is a club banger in the making. “Just Juni” is a riot grrrl anthem that descends into ominous sludge metal. Listening to the whole thing in a straight shot feels like waking up from a Tylenol P.M. nap in the middle of the night with Cartoon Network on. It rules.

Juni worked with her dad, Model Decoy and Heavy English musician Ari Sadowitz, to craft the album and, as its Bandcamp page says, “Any and all proceeds [from its sale] go towards Juniper’s education.”

Maybe once the pandemic is over and concert venues open again, QuQu can put together a tour with some of her peers, like the pint-sized singer-songwriters behind “I Wonder What’s Inside Your Butthole?” and “Dinosaurs In Love.”

[via Boing Boing]

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