This artist documents the world’s saddest places on Google maps

While Google Maps might be best used to show all the beautiful places the world has to offer, one Australian artist is using it for a much more despairing reason. Artist Damien Rudd scours Google Maps in search of the strangest and saddest named landmarks from around the world. No depressing street, lake, or Crying Child Island is left unturned from his hilariously gloomy @sadtopographies Instagram account.

Labeled as “somewhere to go when you’re feeling low” Rudd highlights such magnificently harrowing places as:

Plan your next road trip via Rudd’s posts as he includes the location of every devastating spot. But if you’re at the intersection of Murders Kill Road and Murderers Creek, you should probably turn around. It’s highly unlikely anything good happens there.

[via Colossal]

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