This band wants to kill you, but gently 

This band wants to kill you, but gently 

In Hear This, A.V. Club writers sing the praises of songs they know well—some inspired by a weekly theme and some not, but always songs worth hearing. This week we asked, “What’s a song you like by a band you know absolutely nothing about?”

The Chicago label Kranky has put out a bunch of amazing records over the past two decades, much of it on the experimental/quiet/weird side. Though everything it puts out isn’t for everyone, most everything is worth a listen. So a few years ago I popped on You Are The One I Pick from Felix, a group I’d never heard of and have barely heard of since; the first song, “Death To Everyone But Us” absolutely captivated me. It’s gorgeous, warm, and unforgettable—a beautiful female voice accompanied by just piano at first, and then raucous modern strings. I like it so much that it’s pretty much kept me from listening to anything else by the band, which I realize is strange. Perhaps it’s time to go and learn exactly what’s happening here. Or maybe I’ll just keep going back to the fantastic sound and sentiment of “Death To Everyone But Us.” RIYL: Joanna Newsom.

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