This Batman-themed hotel room rents by the hour for some reason

Who hasn’t dreamed of being Batman? As children, the idea of putting on that cape and cowl, having all those cool gadgets, and hanging out in a swanky tech-filled cavern is nigh irresistible. Well, Taiwan’s Eden Motel knows that some of you haven’t yet given up the dream of living like Batman—even if only for a night—and has thoughtfully provided you with a room for rent that looks like the Batcave threw up all over it. Let’s take a quick tour.

Here’s an overview of the room itself. Whose bedroom does that look like? The Dark Knight’s bedroom, that’s who. And Eden Motel already knows what you love about the Batmobile from the Chrisptoher Nolan movies, a.k.a. the Tumbler: you love sitting in a chair shaped like it. You can pretend it’s a Big Wheel! Vroom-vroom!

Here’s Batman’s vanity mirror, where, as we all know from the films, Batman would spend hours primping, making sure his lips had the proper shade of Autumn Rose applied. Looking at yourself through the outline of the Bat-logo, it will be obvious that you are, indeed, Batman, because why else would you have the logo engraved into the glass? That would be ridiculous if you weren’t. Also, there is some bat taxidermy going on in those tiny alcoves, because the line between Bruce Wayne and Norman Bates is non-existent when you’re truly committed to the Bat-lifestyle. And don’t forget the poster of yourself next to the mini-bar.

After a long night of fighting crime, there’s nothing Batman likes better than unwinding by watching some cartoons on his Bat-TV. What kind of cartoons? Batman cartoons. Batman loves cartoons about himself. And yes, that is the Bat-bath right behind the TV, where all bathrooms should be located for maximum efficiency, and maximum playing pretend that your bath is being broadcast to the world. Let’s move in for a closer look.

Hmmmmm. There seems to be a real dearth of Batman-related accoutrements in this area. Except of course for the rose petals floating in the water. Batman works hard and plays hard.

Bedtime! Batman’s had a long day, and the promise of a comfy bed beckons. Luckily, the headboard and foot rest will both keep reminding you that yes, you are still Batman, as you drift off to sleep, dreaming of the Joker. Or Catwoman. Or Harvey Dent—whatever you’re into, Batman. The point is, no one can take this from you, at least until 10 a.m. when the maids need to get in there and clean up. Don’t forget to take the bat-flavored candy off the pillow before you lie down. Which, gross.

The whole thing can be yours—for a limited time, anyway. For some reason, Eden Motel rents this room by the hour, as though people dreaming of being Batman would only want to keep up the fantasy for an hour or two. That hardly seems enough time to get the full Batman experience, which presumably includes calling room service and growling brusquely for a bag of Funyuns.

[Via CBR]

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