This dance supercut smashes together 92 scenes of jazzy footwork

This dance supercut smashes together 92 scenes of jazzy footwork

The best part of any movie dancing supercut is seeing films from vastly different eras smashed together. And this latest video from prolific supercut creator Robert Jones has all kinds of great juxtapositions, whether it’s jumping from Ex Machina to Airplane! or transitioning from West Side Story to Bring It On. Jones’ supercut features 92 movie dance scenes based around the theme “sweating till they bleed” and set, naturally, to C+C Music Factory’s “Gonna Make You Sweat.”

This is the fourth installment of Jones’ movie dancing series. And while the idea of mashing together dance sequences isn’t exactly novel anymore, it’s still immensely satisfying to see it done well. Jones’ latest video celebrates not only classic movie musicals like The Wizard Of Oz, Singing In The Rain, and Grease, but also more contemporary efforts like High School Musical and Hairspray. He squeezes in plenty of dance sequences from non-musicals as well, saluting everyone from Tom Cruise to Abigail Breslin to Jon Heder.

[h/t Laughing Squid]

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