These dumb little marble races are absolutely thrilling

Marble racing, as a concept, isn’t all that interesting. You put some marbles in a chute, drop the gate, and they race down the course they have set before them. One wins, and that’s the end. Two YouTubers have changed all that, purely by adding a spot-on auto-racing style voice-over existing clips.

About six months ago, Jelleknikkers, a self-proclaimed “marble master,” posted a video of an almost five-minute 230-meter marble rally to his YouTube page. A month ago, another YouTuber, F1FanWoodsie, chimed in with an unsanctioned voice-over, something Jelleknikkers didn’t seem to love at the time and resulting in the removal of the voiced-over clip. Fortunately, the two seem to have worked it out, with F1FanWoodsie—real name Greg Woods—kicking the clip over to Jelleknikkers’ page, where it now lives in fully sanctioned form. With details like course stages and time tracking added onto the clip, it really does ape the format of a Formula One race, or maybe even some sort of Olympic ski event. While the white marble leads for most of the race, there’s some jostling mid-course that really makes things interesting.

[via Digg and Mental Floss]

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