This emotional Phase 3 Marvel retrospective is the ultimate Endgame pregame

This emotional Phase 3 Marvel retrospective is the ultimate Endgame pregame

You might be feeling nostalgic going into Avengers: Endgame, if only because, after more than 20 movies, this is probably the last time we’re going to see the original six Avengers together. It’s a lot to take in, but if you wanted a bit of pre-game catharsis, this trim, expansive 6-minute tribute video to the franchise’s third phase should do the trick.

It expertly weaves together every single Phase 3 Marvel movie that currently exists in a way that tells its own cohesive narrative, highlighting along the way the themes threading throughout all the films. War, the balance of good and evil, the struggle to use your powers to save everyone, and ultimately that you just can’t always do that. Sure, you have to live through Thanos’ snap again, but at least you know it’s coming.

Editor Clark Zhu is behind the trailer, which joins a whole slew of film mosaics on his YouTube page. This one is particularly impactful, though, and infinitely more poetic than the other Marvel recaps you’ll find floating around the web. Sure, they’re superhero movies, but it’s edits like this that remind you just how epic this whole project’s been. Like, damn. The chills.

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