This exclusive Talk Show The Game Show clip pits celebs against each other

This exclusive Talk Show The Game Show clip pits celebs against each other

Promoting a movie can be a drag for both the film’s stars and the press covering its release. Same goes for TV actors and comedians, as well as the talk show hosts who invite them on to stump for their latest projects. They all know this dance, and do it as required. Which is what made Guy Branum’s live comedy show, Talk Show The Game Show, such a breath of fresh air; the writer-comedian made celebs work for those plugs. With Branum bringing the competition-comedy to TruTV next month, The A.V. Club is premiering this exclusive clip. Contestants will now have to pander to the audience and do other star-like things, like name drop and shout out whatever city is currently the best city in the world.

Branum’s famous guests/competitors will include Maria Bamford, Wanda Sykes, Diablo Cody, John Early, Margaret Cho, Paul Feig, Aasif Mandvi, Kelis, Pandora Boxx, Jonah Ray, and of course, his former employer, Chelsea Handler. Talk Show The Game Show premieres April 5 at 10 p.m. ET on TruTV.

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