This face morph project proves all classic rock bands look alike

Most of us like to think of our favorite bands as a united front. We picture them as best friends, sharing good times and bad, more as one singular collective than an assortment of individual people with their own disparate lives. The Monkees as opposed to Oasis, if you will. It’s often a disappointment to realize that bands are rarely as close as we imagine them to be, and that it’s only in our minds they form a sole entity, like some sort of musical Voltron.

Your mind now has some help in that whole “E pluribus unum” process. Thanks to the magic of face composition software, your favorite classic rock bands have now had all of their members morphed into a single facial representative of the group. Some of these are spot-on: The Beatles look pretty much how you’d expect them to, if an evil villain had fused them all together into a horrifying man-beast. The Doors are kind of creepy, probably thanks to the ghostly hint of Ray Manzarek’s haunting glasses. The whole collection of 30 was put together by people at West Coast Shaving, whose owner John Koontz is a huge fan of these groups. Feel free to print this image out and post it on your door as a means of convincing your neighbors that you’re slowly losing your mind, but in a way that suggests you have quite a facility with computers.

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