This fucking showoff built an entire AT-AT in his yard

This fucking showoff built an entire AT-AT in his yard

An imperial agent on the planet of Parma (Ohio galaxy) has just struck a crucial blow against anyone else in his neighborhood planning to decorate their house for Halloween, constructing a massive AT-AT replica as a show of galactic force.

Created by Nick Meyer (or “Darth Evilus” as he’s soon to be known), the giant death machine is two stories tall, fills an entire front lawn, and sends a clear message of military might to any passing spectators, cats, or squirrels foolish enough to consider rebellion.

The faux-bot has been under construction for months, Meyer building his cruel weapon on weekends out of plastic barrels, wood, and foam. It was finally unveiled recently with the help of two of Meyer’s friends and now stands ready, waiting to embarrass anyone planning to simply string some cobwebs in their trees, carve a pumpkin, and maybe put up a motion-activated skeleton on their front step.

When asked why, after years of similarly large-scale Halloween decorations (murder cabins, pirate ships, mausoleums), Meyers chose to embrace the Dark Side, he provided an extremely nonchalant answer to a interviewer: “I just thought it would be neat to build a walker.”


[via VICE]

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