This gross Beach House trailer might make you feel better about being stuck inside all summer

This gross Beach House trailer might make you feel better about being stuck inside all summer
Screenshot: Shuder

An infection. A beach. An urgent need to stay off the beach. Beach House, a gooey-looking flick trading in both cosmic and body horror, certainly feels timely. If anything, it should offer a touch of comfort for those sacrificing a sandy vacation so as not to exacerbate a global pandemic.

Horror streaming platform Shudder acquired the festival hit, which follows a young couple and some older acquaintances as”something in the air” alters their idyllic surroundings and brings some particularly slimy new friends onto the shore. Do they share something in common with the parasites plaguing Sea Fever, another waterlogged spooker that felt eerily in step with our current circumstances.

Watch the trailer below.

Liana Liberato, Noah Le Gros, Maryann Nagel, and Jake Webber lead the cast, while Roly Porter provides an unnerving score that should at least occasionally distract from all the squelching and wet smacks.

It washes up on Shudder’s shores in the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Ireland on July 9.

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