This stream of Pierce Brosnan talking us through GoldenEye may as well be ASMR

This stream of Pierce Brosnan talking us through GoldenEye may as well be ASMR
Photo: Keith Hamshere

Pierce Brosnan may not be the best Bond, but he’s, like, the best Bond, if that makes any sense. He certainly appears to be one of the most enjoyable guys outside of the 007 suit, and like any fine wine, seems to have only gotten better with age. It’s with this in mind that we are pleased to report that earlier this week the fifth Bond took a couple hours to sit down in his sun-drenched Hawaiian “pavilion”and watch the entirety of his first outing as 007, 1995’s GoldenEye, courtesy of Esquire UK.

After a few moments of charming befuddlement over the tech setup provided to him by his kids, we then get two very sexy hours of sultry Irish ASMR courtesy of Sir Pierce as he proceeds to give all sorts of behind-the-scenes memories, Hollywood trivia, and answers to fan questions. Just press play below and be instantly lulled by Brosnan’s dulcet brogue as he murmurs “Metro-Goldwyn Mayer…the roaring lion…”

Honestly, there’s just too much to highlight in one post here. Maybe we even blacked out for a few minutes here and there from the Brosnan’s wanton suaveness, a man who—we feel it’s important to add—now somehow looks like the “Good Joe Biden” if the presidential candidate suddenly split into two halves. Also, the screen he’s watching GoldenEye from is slightly to his left, making it look like he’s constantly, wistfully gazing off into the distance.

“I wanted to have my hair like Roger Moore…look at that hair on that fine fellow there,” Brosnan purringly recalls of his childhood idolization with Roger Moore, which culminated in a set visit from the previous Bond. No, look at that hair on you, Sir Pierce. Specifically that salt-and-pepper chest hair.

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