This supercut of movie and television plane crashes will make you want to take the train forever 

This supercut of movie and television plane crashes will make you want to take the train forever 

Let’s get one thing straight: Planes are nothing more than cramped metal hallways hurtling through the sky at hundreds of miles an hour. Engineering marvel this, environmentally destructive gas-guzzler that, safest form of transportation what have you—it is a terrifying mode of transit. And hey, now there’s a supercut of plane crashes and in-flight disasters from film and television to remind us of our dependent relationship with being herded into a giant sardine can with mostly futile safety features. All tropes are represented, from shooting out the windows to depressurize the cabin to people getting sucked out a gaping hole in the fuselage. At least they don't show too much from the beginning of Flight, which was the scariest film of 2012. There are no other acceptable answers. From World War Z to Final Destination to Knowing to Lost, it’s a grab bag of horrible, terrible, no good, very bad situations. But at least there are clips of Airplane! and Wayne’s World in there to add some levity to the stuff of nightmares for people with aerophobia.

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