This tiny, working Super Nintendo may be cutest console ever made

This tiny, working Super Nintendo may be cutest console ever made

Nintendo is already weaponizing nostalgia with the adorable NES Classic, a gutted Wii console that costs $60 and comes pre-loaded with 30 Nintendo Entertainment System games, but a YouTuber who goes by lyberty5 on the Rated-E Mods channel has managed to out-Nintendo Nintendo with what he calls the SNES MICRO. Built on Raspberry Pi Zero (a miniature computer, more or less), the ridiculously small device is a full-featured emulator that’s designed to look just like a tiny Super Nintendo—or, more accurately, a Japanese Super Famicom. This video showcases the work that went into creating the SNES MICRO, including attaching some USB ports inside the thing and designing its delightful outer-casing, which is made out of clay instead of being 3D-printed—which surely would’ve been much easier and faster. He even plugs it in to prove that it works, playing Yoshi’s Island and (of all things) Doom.

The Rated-E Mods channel also features this Super Mario Sunshine-themed GameCube that features a little Mario locked up inside the console. It’s not quite as cute (or practical) as the SNES MICRO, but it’s impressive work nonetheless.

[via Gizmodo]

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