This Week In Terrifying Hybrids

This Week In Terrifying Hybrids

This Week In Terrifying Hybrids 1. Diddy + YouTube – Employment agencies and dignity = Diddy is looking for a personal assistant!! Video

If the two exclamation points on the end of that video's title and the hyper-fast crawl at the bottom of the screen don't convey the seriousness of this project, then nothing will.

Right now, Diddy is the closest thing we to a pop cultural boogey man: he's creepy, he's inescapbable, and, due to all the name changes, his existence is debatable. Still, he's always there, lurking, waiting to robotically memorialize someone, or come out with a new perfume. Now he's turning YouTube into his own personal Craigslist, probably for some upcoming nightmare of a reality show on MTV called Making The Assistant.

Anyway, judging by the video, if you are lucky enough to become Diddy's personal assistant, your main duty will be to adjust his cap to the side in the precise angle for "keeping it real"–which is actually pretty tricky because it's just a few degrees away from both "trying too hard" and "looking so dumb it makes people angry." 2. Scare Tactics + Ashton Kutcher + MTV's championing of the worst that former That 70s Show cast members have to offer = Room 401

As far as I can tell, Ashton Kutcher's TV production strategy consists of just taking an existing TV show, putting "but, like, cooler" at the end, and then selling it to MTV: Punk'd (a show so super duper edgy to the max the title has an apostraphe–they totally eliminated that "e," man!) was Candid Camera but , like, cooler. And now Room 401 is Scare Tactics but, like, cooler.

All of which will eventually lead up to the inevitable "It's Punk'd but, like, cooler" pitch, which will be called "'unk'd," and feature Ashton Kutcher wearing two trucker hats while yelling about the next clip. 3. Entourage + fashion – inspiration = AG For Entourage

That jacket, from AG's collection of clothes "inspired" by an increasingly bad TV show, is called "The Entrance Jacket."

Because it was inspired by

Entourage, it is the breeziest jacket in the world, and even though nothing interesting or funny will ever happen when you wear it, people will insist that it is a hilarious, hilarious garment.

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