This week we’re barely putting up with the Apple Watch

The sharp, hilarious How To Build A Girl by Caitlin Moran. Coming of age stories don’t have always have to be misty-eyed dramas. Turns out, they can be funny.

The thoroughly unnecessary Dracula Untold. Apparently the “untold” part is that Dracula was a character in a video game.

The Mysteries Of Laura. It makes you long for the subtlety, measured humor, and grounded storytelling of that other Debra Messing dramedy, Smash.

The Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett duet album no one asked for, Cheek To Cheek. The Venn diagram of Tony Bennett fans and Lady Gaga fans don’t even overlap enough to include Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett themselves.

Rust Cohle, a.k.a. Matthew McConaughey for Lincoln. What would a nihilist drive? “It’s all one ghetto, man. A giant gutter in outer space… that you can easily explore with Lincoln’s four-wheel drive and standard power steering.”

Jennifer Lopez’s frantic, incredibly on-the-nose “Booty” video. Oh, J. Lo. This is equivalent to Barbra Streisand all of a sudden dropping a single/video called “Nose.”

Apple’s oxymoronic smart watch, the Apple Watch. Apparently the next big advancement in iPhone technology is to make everyone look like kids playing secret service agents.

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