This week we’re barely putting up with The Best Of Me

A guide to what we’re barely putting up with this week.

FX’s very funny You’re The Worst. The sharpest, most well observed sitcom about young people in L.A. since Party Down.

Mario Lopez’s memoir, Just Between Us. Now all the people from Saved By The Bell are going to tell their sides of the story until the tell-all has been all told out.

The return of Bravo’s thoroughly dull The People’s Couch. “Watching people watch TV” is the new “watching paint dry.”

Taylor Swift’s poor, trapped accessory kitten. Apparently a mini-pegasus was just too cumbersome.

Disney’s light projection wedding cake. Once upon a time, there was a laser light show, and all it wanted was to be eaten by adults obsessed with fairy tales…

The latest Nicholas Sparks’ you-should-be-with-your-high-school-sweetheart schmaltzmance, The Best Of Me. Two bland people unexpectedly re-find love in North Carolina, and also something about how he went to jail? Even Nicholas Sparks is bored of Nicholas Sparks.

The embarrassing, nonsensical “Republicans Are People Too” ads. If you have to launch an entire ad campaign just to tell everyone that Republicans are human, the reveal that Republicans are actually crude cyborgs bent on destroying humanity can’t be far behind.

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