This week we’re barely putting up with The Briefcase

A guide to what we’re barely putting up with this week.

Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell’s made-for-TV masterpiece, A Deadly Adoption. Lifetime movies are usually fairly ridiculous, but Wiig and Ferrell might be the first Lifetime movie actors to revel in that ridiculousness.

Björk’s 10-minute-long video for “Black Lake.” It’s a music video or the world’s least effective “Visit Iceland” campaign.

The over-abundance of couples yoga pics on Instagram. Couples are annoying enough on Instagram without adding yoga poses to it.

Special K’s confusing foray into desserts, Special K’s Divine Fudge Brownies. Dessert made by a cereal that thinks it’s a diet. Sounds delicious.

Terminator Genisys. This chapter of the stretched-thin action franchise jumps back to a time when Arnold Schwarzenegger was a well-cast action star.

Jennifer Aniston’s utterly absurd Aveeno commercials. Jennifer Aniston is just like us, but beige: burning toast in her fake office while pretending all she uses is Aveeno.

CBS’s poor versus poor reality exploitation, The Briefcase. A.k.a. Who Wants To Be The Neediest?

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