This year’s final Game Of Thrones preview pics are mostly about chairs

As someone on the show has probably pointed out before, the world of Game Of Thrones is very fixated on the importance of chairs. There’s the Iron Throne, of course, but also the various big chairs across the other kingdoms of Westeros, like Daenerys’ rocky throne at Dragonstone, the elevated seat Walder Frey used to sit at when betraying Starks, and the chair behind the big table at Winterfell where whoever’s currently in charge can listen to complaints from Northern folk. HBO has just released the final set of preview images for this season of Game Of Thrones, and while not all of them are about chairs, the importance of a good place to sit does hang over nearly all of the photos. Also, as an interesting side note, none of the photos feature Jon Snow with Daenerys, even though we recently learned that the episode will be called “The Dragon And The Wolf.”

Naturally, we’re starting off with a guy who recently benefitted from this world’s very first wheelchair. Bran hasn’t done much this season other than freak out his sisters and ask to speak with Jon Snow (even though his magic powers should give him the ability to know where Jon Snow is at any given time), so hopefully he’s about to drop some huge reveals in this scene.

Here’s Cersei, a woman who knows a good chair. She looks worryingly happy in this picture, which can only mean bad things for the show’s “good guys.” Plus, there’s even a chair in the background, almost like it’s looming over whatever’s happening in this scene. It’s a metaphor!

This image of Sansa looks like it could be the back cover of an emotionally devastating solo album. It doesn’t tell us anything about the episode, but you know these tracks are going to be pretty sick.

Other than fail to save his sister and stand by while a bunch of people get killed, Theon also hasn’t done very much this season. This image doesn’t look particularly different from his last appearance on the show, so maybe he’ll continue to not do very much.

Here’s the Wolf himself, making his worried/confused face at what appears to be the big Lannister meeting that was mentioned last week. Note the chair beyond his shoulder, almost like he’s trying to push away the demands of being a leader. He doesn’t want a chair, but a chair wants him.

Compare that to this shot, with Cersei sitting on a comparatively grand chair while Jaime—her brother/lover/most trusted knight—is on what looks like a glorified stool. Cersei believes that she’s the only one who deserves a chair, and she wants everyone to know it. Perhaps this rudeness will finally be the thing to convince him that his sister is super evil.

No chairs here, but could this be a third Jon Snow face? Up until now, he’s only been worried/confused and angry/confused, but this looks like angry/worried. Tyrion doesn’t seem as concerned, so whatever’s happening can’t be too bad, but a third facial expression from Jon Snow would be even more shocking than last week’s ice dragon.

It’s not clear when these final two shots take place, as it could be before or after Cersei’s meeting, but Bronn and Jaime aren’t happy either way. If this were a Star Wars movie, Bronn would be saying that he’s got a bad feeling about this.

And here we have the final preview image for season seven of Game Of Thrones: Jaime and Bronn looking over a massive field of well-organized soldiers. It’s hard to say who these soldiers are fighting for, but if you zoom in really close, you just might find that they’re all actually just chairs carrying swords and spears. (Though it is very blurry, so maybe they really are people.)

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