This year's Jerry Lewis telethon will be his last

This year's Jerry Lewis telethon will be his last

Finally exhausted after 45 years of goofy altruism and slapstick public service, Jerry Lewis has announced to all the nice ladies that this year’s Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon will be his last. “As a labor of love, I’ve hosted the annual Telethon since 1966,” Lewis said in a statement. “And I’ll be making my final appearance on the show this year by performing my signature song, ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone.’” The 85-year-old comedian had already been forced to scale back his participation considerably due to his age and growing health problems, and it was announced in 2010 that this year’s edition would be reduced to just six hours. Nevertheless, Lewis plans to continue serving as the chairman of the organization for which he’s helped raise over $2.5 billion. No word yet on whether the telethon will continue without him, perhaps with a younger, spryer host like Regis Philbin.

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