This year's Oscar nominees, in baby form

In the spirit of babies making films better, new Tumblr Don't Call Me Oscar is recreating Oscar nominees with an adorable baby replacing all of the complicated and sometimes awful characters. There's no information as to the identity or motivations of this particular infant, though Vanity Fair's Tumblr cites Maggie Storino and Baby Sophia as the creators. The Artist is the frontrunner, fittingly, but War Horse may turn out to be the fan favorite. All of the Best Picture nominees are there save Hugo, which pretty much already stars a baby. There's also a few 2011 nominees and a rather stretched recreation of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Putting an Ikea in the background was a nice touch, but would a tiny baby leather jacket to go with the tiny baby mohawk be too much to ask? If all the Oscar nominees really are just trying to reassure us about the scary future, an all-baby cast seems like the way to go. It's also the only way The Help or Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close would be worth seeing.

The Help

Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

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