Thomas Pynchon emerges from cave to defend Ian McEwan

The "row" (British slang for "press-goaded controversy") over whether British writer Ian McEwan plagiarized passaged in his novel Atonement has been kind of a meh so far, but it's getting some temporary spice thrown on it, thanks to a letter the reclusive Thomas Pynchon sent to the Daily Telegraph (which, instead of typing the damned thing up, scanned it in, perhaps a bit too proud to have received such a rarity; it's not like it's a cypher from the Zodiac Killer, folks), in which Pynchon defends McEwan, arguing that a little borrowing is, at worst, "a form of primate behavior." Now if only Pynchon would send out a new head shot to refute allegations that he still looks like this.

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