Thor: Ragnarok gets its dream cast: Jeff Goldblum as everyone

Thor: Ragnarok unveiled a new trailer this past weekend at Comic-Con, wherein the God Of Thunder assembles a team (including The Hulk and his naughty brother, Loki) to battle a “Goddess Of Death” played by Cate Blanchett. One of the most exciting glimpses in the trailer, however, was Jeff Goldblum, who makes his Marvel Universe debut by playing the fanciful Grandmaster. Goldblum previously described the character as “a hedonist, a pleasure-seeker, an enjoyer of life and tastes and smells.” He was also apparently encouraged by director Taika Waititi to improvise, so expect lots of charming “uhhhhh”s.

Truly, the entire cast is amazing, with the likes of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston joined by Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, and Anthony Hopkins, who will continue his latter-day habit of only acting with gods, aliens, and robots. But one fan—clearly one who loves Earth Girls Are Easy and Independence Day—would rather Marvel use its CGI mastery for different means, that being the digital wizardry it would take to ensure Goldblum plays not just one, but every character in the film.

Writer Brian Firenzi brought his desire to life with a simple edit to the film’s poster:

As one Twitter user so adeptly put it:

If only we could be so lucky.

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