Movie theater stand-up comedian gets the attention that she ordered

Tiffany King performed an impromptu set at a Burbank AMC and went viral

Movie theater stand-up comedian gets the attention that she ordered
The movie theater comedian herself mid-performance Screenshot: Charley Damski

Andy Warhol said that “in the future, everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes.” It really is too bad that the artist didn’t live long enough to see Twitter; this week’s main character on the social media app was Tiffany King, a psychic medium and self-proclaimed “momic,” who performed an impromptu stand-up routine at a Burbank AMC before a screening of The Lost City.

The movie was running late due to technical issues in the projection booth and according to King, her daughter dared her to go to the front of the room, and do a set while the audience waited for the film to start.

The set was captured by Twitter user and musician Charlie Damski who chopped up the set and added the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme music to the end of the clip. The clip went viral when countless Twitter users retweeted it with their own pithy comments, truly teaching King a valuable lesson about what happens when you make a bid to get attention.

The real question is, was the set funny? Who knows? The viral video is nothing but a collection of jokes chopped up into soundbites. One Twitter user compared her to a “theater kid who desperately needs love,”(a theater kid in Burbank!?). But when one audience member in the clip tried to force her off stage by shouting “Put us out of our misery,” two people in the front row encouraged her to get back at it where she proceeded to turn in a fifteen-minute set. In this writer’s personal opinion, King should have focused on a tight five…always leave the audience wanting more.

In a recent interview with Buzzfeed, King took the opportunity to promote her Momic Productions, a nonprofit that pays for up to a month of childcare for “single mom artists” as they work towards a showcase for their art. Calling her performance “victory against misogyny” may be a bit much, but her heart seems to be in the right place.

At the end of the day, Charlie Damski and Tiffany King both got to go viral, and everyone got the attention that they ordered. Who wants to place bets on when King gets her own show on Netflix?

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