Tim Curry has some instructions in the latest Rocky Horror remake trailer

The latest trailer for Fox’s remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show plays up the movie’s dedicated fandom and the tradition of audience participation. But, really, the most important thing here is the appearance by Tim Curry, in his new role as The Criminologist. Curry has some all too familiar instructions for us here. “It’s just a jump to the left,” he informs, and, basically, you know the rest. Another key bit? Laverne Cox’s delivery of that prolonged “antici…pation.” Unfortunately, the line is edited with some shouts of “say it” from a fake audience in the middle so we don’t really get a sense of its full power.

Overall this looks like a campy good time, even if the 2016 network TV production values do make it look a bit more sanitary than the original. It pelvic-thrusts its way onto TV screens in October.

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