Tim Heidecker debuts new song about Trump supporters called “Ballad Of The Incel Man”

Since November 9th, 2016, the majority of Americans have been trying—mostly in vain— to understand the psyche of Trump supporters. Surprisingly, the person on the left who seems closest to understanding the angry young men on the other side of the aisle is comedian and musician Tim Heidecker, who has skewered the vain masculinity of Trump’s America in his show Decker and in his numerous musical side ventures. This week, Heidecker released a new country ballad satirizing lovelorn Trump supporters called “Ballad Of The Incel Man” that, again, feels disturbingly accurate.

The song, told from the perspective of a Trump rally attendee in a “Hillary For Prison” shirt hoping to find a like-minded woman, would fit nicely alongside Heidecker’s previous collection of Trump songs, Too Dumb For Suicide. As the music builds and the harmonies fill out, the song’s MAGA-hat-wearing protagonist admits that he sometimes doesn’t understand what Trump is talking about, but it really doesn’t matter because it makes liberals “shit their pants.”

As with Heidecker’s previous Trump-aimed releases, proceeds from the sale of this song will benefit charity. Specifically, this song goes to help the Hebrew Immigrants Aid Society, which, following the attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue yesterday, is a particularly good cause. The song is available for one dollar on Bandcamp, so head over there and do some good while also getting a good laugh.

[via Slate]

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