Today in music videos: Kreayshawn goes "hard" with dancing animals and Seussian lyrics

Today in music videos: Kreayshawn goes "hard" with dancing animals and Seussian lyrics

Best known for her odes to luxury goods and breakfast, Kreayshawn has never been known as a very deep rapper. She’s all eyeliner and awkward verse, a jokey version of a hip-hop Amy Winehouse, but without even a smidgen of soul. To the average listener, her music isn’t the least bit serious or based in artistry, and she seems okay with that. Kreayshawn is who she is, bad dancing and all.

That message is encapsulated in her new video, “Go Hard.” The lead single from Kreay’s forthcoming debut, “Go Hard” is meant to “inspire people to just do their own thing,” according to the artist. The cartoonish video, which features dancers in animal costumes and Blingee-esque visual effects, syncs up perfectly with the song in its childlike simplicity. Like a jacked-up Dr. Seuss, Kreayshawn seems absolutely content with using the bare minimum amount of words to get her “chase your dreams” message across—punctuated with a well-placed “bitch,” of course.

Somethin ‘Bout Kreay, the rapper’s new record, hits stores Aug. 14.

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