Today in music videos: Madonna rides in cars with boys and Jack White gets a ticket

Today in music videos: Madonna rides in cars with boys and Jack White gets a ticket

Dangerous driving practices provide the backdrop to raunchy sexual escapades in two potentially Ballardian music videos from Madonna and Jack White.

First, Madonna’s “Turn Up The Radio” video takes pop's elder princess on a ride through a town, ostensibly in coastal Italy, where she attempts to retain a low profile among the throngs of paparazzi there to see her. Naturally, a low profile for Madonna would involve wearing a skin-baring leather outfit and picking up strangers for an on-the-car dance party. Along the way, Madge also wrangles a contortionist in American flag shorts, a gas station attendant, and a hookah-smoking guy in a cape who’s either a wizard or a new Sacha Baron-Cohen character. All in all, “Turn Up the Radio” shows a very accurate look at what you can expect when traveling abroad.

In a similar, totally relatable scenario, Jack White’s “Freedom at 21” features White taking his lime-green sports car for a cruise, only to be pulled over and frisked by a lady police officer. The video is directed by Hype Williams, the guy who did all those fisheye-lensed hip-hop videos in the ‘90s, and includes numerous shots of Jack White driving cars fast, Jack White getting fondled, and Jack White doing Jack White stuff. At the end, Queen Of The Stone Age's Josh Homme cameos as an aviators-wearing highway patrolman, stopping White in his tracks.

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