Today in pop culture real estate: Buy the Magnum P.I. house or the Groundhog Day bed and breakfast

Today in pop culture real estate: Buy the Magnum P.I. house or the Groundhog Day bed and breakfast

Should you have failed in your bids to acquire the homes from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Steel Magnolias, or American Horror Story—or you are some sort of wealthy, pop-obsessed mogul determined to buy and live inside all your memories—a couple of new listings have hit the entertainment-related real estate market. First up, the sprawling Hawaii beachfront estate that stood in for Robin’s Nest on Magnum P.I. is up for sale, according to TMZ, and you can purchase it for the $15 million you probably have since you’re reading about old TV shows on the Internet.

The Oahu residence has five bedrooms and baths, a tennis court, a private lagoon, a boat house, a bath house, and presumably, a guest house where you can host your own surprisingly lax security guy to just sort of dick around drinking beer, driving your Ferrari, and wearing his Hawaiian shirts tucked in, then hire a fussy British guy to bicker with him. Then you can never, ever visit, secure in the knowledge that things are going exactly according to your inscrutable plan.

If that’s too pricey or warm for you, there’s also the Woodstock, IL bed and breakfast seen in Groundhog Day, where you can either spend the long, cold, gray winter basking in the glow of your neighbors’ hearths and hearts, or holing up inside watching Jeopardy. The Victorian home—located just a few blocks from the town square where most of the movie was shot—is going for a mere $985,000, according to Curbed.

It holds eight bedrooms where you can wake up in the same place every single morning, and eight baths where you can try new ways of killing yourself—all of which you can either keep as a B&B, or convert back to a single family home, if you haven’t yet learned to let go of your selfishness. Back when I visited the B&B for our Groundhog Day Pop Pilgrims, I was told they do booming business during the winter months, if that aids you in making your decision. (If so, please remember that I get a 10 percent commission.) And you can spend the rest of the time reliving Groundhog Day over and over and over again.

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