Today in recycling news: Mission Impossible IV gets writers, Langella joins cast of Wall Street 2

Oh, Hollywood, will you ever tire of recycling the past? No? That's what we thought. Producers J.J Abrams and Tom Cruise have lined up screenwriters for the fourth entry in the ongoing Mission Impossible saga. Writers Josh Applebaum and Andre Nemec toiled exclusively in television until Tom Cruise was all, “Josh Applebaum, you gotta put me on.” Then he met Applebaum’s partner and started jumping up and down on a couch while yelling, “I love these screenwriters!” Then he was all, “You can’t handle the truth!” and “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” He’s quite confused these days, that Cruise. Applebaum and Nemec will be working from a story they co-wrote with Abrams. The world isn’t exactly hankering for third sequels but Mission Impossible 3 was arguably the best of the series and this retains at least some of the creative team.

In other sequel news, Frank Langella has joined Shia LeBeouf, Michael Douglas and Charlie and Martin Sheen in the Oliver Stone-directed sequel to Wall Street.

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